Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Genesis 30:25-31:55 NLT summarized.

Jacob wants to return to his own country, he makes a deal with Laban but once again Laban acts deceitful. Finally, Jacob has had enough. He packs up his wives, kids, servants and livestock sneaking out in the middle of the night. 

Genesis 31: 19 At the time they left, Laban was some distance away, shearing his sheep. Rachel stole her father’s household idols and took them with her. 

When Laban finds out they are gone, he goes after them in hot pursuit. It took him seven days but he finally catches up with him.

24 But the previous night God had appeared to Laban the Aramean in a dream and told him, “I’m warning you—leave Jacob alone!” 

At first Laban plays nice. Genesis 31: 27 Why did you slip away secretly? Why did you deceive me? And why didn’t you say you wanted to leave? I would have given you a farewell feast, with singing and music, accompanied by tambourines and harps. 28 Why didn’t you let me kiss my daughters and grandchildren and tell them good-bye? But he soon gets to the point. Genesis 31:30b "But why have you stolen my gods?”

Laban searches everywhere and can't find his gods because Rachel is sitting on them. I am so glad we don't have a god we can sit on! 

Finally, Jacob lets Laban have it with both barrels and gives him what for. After further discussion, Laban and Jacob reach an agreement to part company and stay away from each other. They build a rock monument in honor of their agreement, have a feast to celebrate and part company. 

That's the last we hear of Laban, he was dead weight around Jacobs ankle. Laban was "of the world" and held Jacob back. Now he would be free to pursue God whole heartedly. 

That's my summary, it's all rather interesting to read, I just chose not to break it down verse by verse. You can read it all here: 

Blessings, Cecilia

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