Friday, December 8, 2017

2 John 1-What would you say?

Final Greetings
12I have many things to write you, but I would prefer not to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come and speak with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.
13The children of your elect sister send you greetings.b 

Johns personal preference was to meet face to face. With modern conveniences we can text, tweet, post, email and send it worldwide. 
John had to have a letter hand delivered or walk for days and miles for a face to face meeting.
Be careful what you write, post, tweet, email etc.
Ask yourself, WWJP?
What would Jesus post?
Everything you put out on the internet lives forever. You can possibly delete it but are you aware there are websites that take digital snapshots of everything on the internet and store it forever? 

Telling us that the elect lady (2 John 1) has an elect sister, and that they both have children does little to identify with certainty who John is writing to. Perhaps all it tells us is that if John used the term elect lady as a symbol for the church, he used it rather loosely (saying that she has a sister and children). The most likely idea is that the elect lady (a particular church) had an elect sister – other “sister” churches from which John brings a greeting. (Guzik )

If you were to write a letter, what would you say?

Blessings, David 

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