Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Leviticus 13:12-13 Turned White!

 12But if the skin disease breaks out all over his skin so that it covers all the skin of the infected person from head to foot, as far as the priest can see, 13the priest shall examine him, and if the disease has covered his entire body, he is to pronounce the infected person clean. Since it has all turned white, he is clean.

“When leprosy first appears on a victim’s skin, it begins as small, red spots. Before too long they get bigger, and start to turn white, with a shiny or scaly appearance. Pretty soon the spots spread over the entire body and the hair begins to fall out - first from the head, then even from the eyebrows. As things get worse, the finger nails and toenails become loose; they start to rot and eventually fall off. Then the joints of fingers and toes begin to rot and start to fall off piece by piece. The gums start shrinking and can’t hold teeth anymore, so each of them is lost. Leprosy keeps eating away at the face until the nose is literally lost, and the palate and even eyes rot - and the victim wastes away until death.” (Guzik)

“Since it has all turned white, he is clean.” 

White like fresh skin of a baby.

Thank the Lord for your blessings.

This morning I’m sitting in the ER with my wife waiting on test results for strep and Covid (7-10 days).

Please keep us in prayer.

Blessings, David 

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