Saturday, July 27, 2019

Exodus 6:9 Broken Spirit

9Moses relayed this message to the Israelites, but on account of their broken spirit and cruel bondage, they did not listen to him.

I remember one time my spirit was broken and someone I didn’t know walked up to me at church and said the Lord spoke to him concerning me. He said that everything was going to be ok and my spirit will be restored.
They (Israelites) did not listen to him. 
In my case it had the opposite effect, It had a wow factor, I was still down but the message gave me hope.

Maybe the difference was the messenger? .... the Israelites knew Moses but I didn’t know this person?
Has the Lord spoken to you about someone, to give them a message of hope?
If so did you follow through? Just maybe, you were their last hope!

I still think about the time we were eating lunch and we saw a homeless man walking down the street. Our son asked if we could buy the homeless man lunch. We did and then drove down the street to find him. Our son went to hand it to him and he yelled NO!
I said to our son, don’t worry we will find someone else. We drove down the street and turn a corner when my wife yelled, stop!
I pulled into the parking lot and it was like a scene from the Good Samaritan! 
A woman was sitting on the curb, beaten to a pulp and everyone was just stepping around her and staring as they walked by. My wife said, let me handle this, wait in the car. She got out and knelt down and started talking with the woman, offered her assistance, prayed with her and giver her a meal. 

There are times the Lord speaks to us and we hear him in our heart but we don’t act on it because we are afraid of what others might think.
In this case our son heard the Lord and He used a homeless man to send us to a woman in need, a woman who needed to hear His message of hope.

Do you listen to Him? 

Blessings, David 

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