Friday, November 16, 2018

Micah 7:18 God of second chances!

God of second chances.
God is not only the God of second chances; He is the God of another chance.
Micah 7:18 (ESV)
18  Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity
and passing over transgression
for the remnant of his inheritance?
He does not retain his anger forever,
because he delights in steadfast love.

November 15th is an undeclared state holiday. It’s the start of firearm deer season. Schools close, businesses close....
A couple years ago Cecilia decided to give it a try. So I gave her a rifle with a scope, built her a deer blind and raised it off the ground, it over looks our driveway in the woods, 350 yards long.
Last year was a learning process. She had a four point buck walk out in front of her but the noise it made when walking she actually thought it was me. So unprepared it got away. Then there was a spike that stopped and ate at her bait pile, she didn’t shoot it either. 
This year she was prepared and on opening day she saw a doe and got ready, a six point walked out after it but she got buck fever and her heart raced and her body shook, unable to shoot two chances went by and he was gone. 
I prayed she would get one this morning and so did she. God brought back that six point and stopped him in our driveway, Cecilia shot and it was hers.
The interesting part was yesterday I was in my tree stand and my left foot was getting frostbite and I couldn’t take it anymore and went back to the house to warm up. That same buck walked within 30 yards of my stand and would have been mine.
But God gave Cecilia a second chance and she got her first deer. A clean and humane kill.

God give us all second chances when we deserve none. It’s unconditional love from our Father.
He loves you and wants you to love Him too. He will give you a second chance even if it’s only your first deer.

Blessings, David 

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