Sunday, November 18, 2018

Genesis 19:17-23 Run for your lives!

17As soon as the men had brought them out, one of them said, “Run for your lives! Do not look back, and do not stop anywhere on the plain! Flee to the mountains, or you will be swept away!”
18But Lot replied, “No, my lords, please! 19Your servant has indeed found favor in your sight, and you have shown me great kindness by sparing my life. But I cannot run to the mountains; the disaster will overtake me, and I will die. 20Look, this town is near enough for me flee to it, and it is a small place. Please let me flee there—is it not a small place? Then my life will be saved.”
21“Very well,” he answered, “I will grant this request as well, and will not demolish the town you indicate. 22Hurry! Run there quickly, for I cannot do anything until you reach it.” That is why the town was called Zoar.
23When the sun had risen over the land, Lot had reached Zoar.

Zoar, little town or small city.
Is it just me or does Lot seem to complain about everything? The men (Angels) couldn’t destroy Sodom and Gomorrah until Lot and his family were safe. But Lot says, “But I cannot run to the mountains; the disaster will overtake me, and I will die.” If he did die then God would have broken His promise to Abraham.

Do you remember what Abraham and Melchizedek did for the peopled Sodom? And they still didn’t repent after being saved from the conquering king.
But that is human nature. 
How many of us continue to sin after coming to Christ?

Run for your lives! This is what we should be screaming to all those around us! We should be evangelizing to the lost and dying world. Run to Jesus Christ before it’s too late. He alone can save you.

Blessings, David 

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