Sunday, October 15, 2017

What's In A Name. Genesis 11:27-32 NLT

God has a great sense of humor, even way back then. Enter Abram. The name means father. Soon, God will change his name to Abraham, which means father of many, yet Abram is childless. Sarai, Abram's wife, name means contentious. How would you like THAT for a name! Now Terah means delay and Haran means parched or barren. Lot means covering or veil. 

So the story goes something like this: 

Delay took his son Father and his daughter in law Contentious along with his grandson Covering to live in Canaan. Delay was very old and needed to rest so they settled in Parched instead. While there, Delay eventually died and was buried in Parched.

When we delay doing what God asks us to do, we too can end up in a parched place. 

Genesis 11:27-32 NLT

The Family of Terah 

27 This is the account of Terah’s family. Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.  28 But Haran died in Ur of the Chaldeans, the land of his birth, while his father, Terah, was still living.  29 Meanwhile, Abram and Nahor both married. The name of Abram’s wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor’s wife was Milcah. (Milcah and her sister Iscah were daughters of Nahor’s brother Haran.) 30 But Sarai was unable to become pregnant and had no children. 

31 One day Terah took his son Abram, his daughter-in-law Sarai (his son Abram’s wife), and his grandson Lot (his son Haran’s child) and moved away from Ur of the Chaldeans. He was headed for the land of Canaan, but they stopped at Haran and settled there.  32 Terah lived for 205 years and died while still in Haran. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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