Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Numbers 14:10 “A Dog”

 10But the whole congregation threatened to stone Joshua and Caleb.

A Dog

“IT is a rough name that, “Caleb.” Most translators say it signifies “a dog.” But what matters a man’s name? Possibly the man himself was somewhat rough—many of the heartiest of men are so. As the unpolished oyster yet bears within itself the priceless pearl, so oftentimes ruggedness of exterior covers worth. A dog, moreover, is not all badness, though, “Without are dogs and sorcerers.” It has this virtue, that it follows its master, and therein this Caleb was well-named, for never dog so followed his master as Caleb followed his God. As we have seen the faithful dog following his master when he is on horseback through mud, and mire, and dirt, for many a weary mile, even though the horses heels might wound him, so Caleb keeps close to God, and even if stoning threatens him, yet is he well content to follow the Lord fully.” (C H Spurgeon)

I’ve had dogs most of my life, they are faithful indeed, always loving, always seeking their master and will die to protect them. A well trained dog is a must but a stubborn dog is a thorn. I had such a stubborn dog and I was at wits end. When she would get mad, she would come in the house and look you in the eyes, squat and relieve herself. Someone mentioned a book to my wife, How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend: written by The Monks of New Skete. It would address specific problems with three remedies. One particular day we were on the last remedy and it was raining hard. I placed her dog igloo in the middle of the back yard, drove a stake into the ground and chained her to it. Instead of going in her igloo she sat in the rain with her back to us and every once in a while she would glance over her shoulder at us in the house. I left her there all night. As soon as I unhooked the chain she came in the house and squatted. Back out to the chain for another night! That broke her stubbornness and she became a well trained faithful dog.

We are no different, the Lord disciplines us until we do what He wants.

Are you stubborn like Jonah, or faithful like Caleb?


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