Friday, April 16, 2021

Numbers 13:17-20 Strong or Weak?

 17When Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, he told them, “Go up through the Negev and into the hill country. 18See what the land is like and whether its people are strong or weak, few or many. 19Is the land where they live good or bad? Are the cities where they dwell open camps or fortifications? 20Is the soil fertile or unproductive? Are there trees in it or not? Be courageous, and bring back some of the fruit of the land.” (It was the season for the first ripe grapes.)

Strong or weak?

Let’s face it, people are cruel. When I started school I first went to kindergarten and standing in line to leave, on a show and tell day a girl grabbed an record out of my hands and purposely broke it. Then in grade school, a classmate came from behind and ripped a loop of the back of my shirt which started a fist fight. In ninth grade I was in another fist fight. In high school, another fist fight but after that one I was pretty much left alone because a bee 🐝 stings.

We’re you considered strong or weak?

With Jesus Christ I prefer to be a strong Christian than a weak Christian by keeping in the word daily and writing these devotionals. If I don’t I will revert to my worldly sinful ways.

One thing I fear is that I haven’t done enough for Jesus and His kingdom. I’m not a good evangelist and when I get involved in ministry my steam-stamina runs out after about a year.

I’m encouraged by Matthew 5: 9Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called sons of God.

This verse would make a Bible study by itself but it inspired me so much I had it on my license plate.

Are you strong or weak in your faith?


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