Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Numbers 8:23-26 Retirement

 23And the LORD said to Moses, 24“This applies to the Levites: Men twenty-five years of age or older shall enter to perform the service in the work at the Tent of Meeting. 25But at the age of fifty, they must retire from performing the work and no longer serve.26After that, they may assist their brothers in fulfilling their duties at the Tent of Meeting, but they themselves are not to do the work. This is how you are to assign responsibilities to the Levites.”


The Lord had a retirement plan for the Levites, His priests.

My retirement came earlier than I had planned for a number of reasons but the Lord provided and still does. I believe the hardest thing to deal with was myself because I always had a gift of fixing things. I had to leave it at the foot of the cross and say, Lord I can’t do this without You so I’m turning it over to You!

I personally believe the Lord was waiting for me to surrender!

Do you have a problem that’s too big for you to handle?

Have you surrendered it to the Lord?


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