Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Numbers 10:5-8 Telecommunications

 5When you sound short blasts, the camps that lie on the east side are to set out. 6When you sound the short blasts a second time, the camps that lie on the south side are to set out. The blasts are to signal them to set out. 7To convene the assembly, you are to sound long blasts, not short ones. 8The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to sound the trumpets. This shall be a permanent statute for you and the generations to come.


The trumpet blasts in a way, could be considered an early form of telecommunications and the blasts reminded me of Morse code, it’s a universal language used in telecommunications.

When I learned Morse code it was later in life and I just couldn’t get it. I eventually learned it by phonetics. The only difficulty with phonetics is when listening to it your translation speed is limited because you are associating a picture to the sound.

Two short blasts, would be two dots . . the letter (I) and phonetics sounds like (bit it).

Two long blasts, would be two dashes - - the letter (M) and phonetics sounds like (mama)

I can’t wait for the “mighty blast of a trumpet”, can you?

Maranatha, come Lord quickly come!


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