Thursday, March 18, 2021

Numbers 10:9 Battle!

 9When you enter into battle in your land against an adversary who attacks you, sound short blasts on the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the LORD your God and saved from your enemies.


Why does life seem so hard, everyday seems like a battle!

“In sober truth, every man and every woman who enlists for Christ will have to wrestle till their bones shall sleep in the tomb. There shall be no pause nor cessation for you from this day until the laurel is upon thy brow. If you art defeated one day, you must overcome the next; if a conqueror today, you must fight tomorrow.”

“They have overcome, then why should not you? Jesus Christ, who is bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, has passed through the sternest part of the battle, and He has overcome—a type and representative of all those who are cross-bearers, and who shall overcome as He has done.”

“He will win the battle who knows how to begin on the low ground, and to fight uphill by divine strength. Learn the wisdom, not of self-reliance, but of self-diffidence, for he that trusts in his own heart is a fool.”

“Oh! young people, do understand the value of prayer, and you aged people, do continue in prayer and supplication, for if we are to win this battle of our life, it can only be by taking in our charge- bill to the great Paymaster, and asking Him to discharge the charges of this war.”

“Sharpen your swords, soldiers of the cross, and be ready for the fray, but as you march to the battle let it be with heads bowed down in adoration before Him, who alone can cover your heads in the day of battle, and when you lift up those heads in the front of the foe, let this be your song, “The Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song, the Lord has become my salvation!” (C H Spurgeon)

Fight on, win the battle of life with Jesus Christ, Blessings 

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