Monday, March 1, 2021

Numbers 8:16-19 Firstborn!

 16For the Levites have been wholly given to Me from among the sons of Israel. I have taken them for Myself in place of all who come first from the womb, the firstborn of all the sons of Israel. 17For every firstborn male in Israel is Mine, both man and beast. I set them apart for Myself on the day I struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt. 18But I have taken the Levites in place of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel. 19And I have given the Levites as a gift to Aaron and his sons from among the Israelites, to perform the service for the Israelites at the Tent of Meeting and to make atonement on their behalf, so that no plague will come against the Israelites when they approach the sanctuary.”

“The Levites were, therefore, to be regarded as the firstborn—a name which is applied by the apostle Paul to all the regenerate when he speaks of “the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven.” Jesus Christ is the true Firstborn, and all believers are predestinated to be conformed to the image of Him who is “the firstborn among many brethren.”” 

“He, who has redeemed us with His precious blood, and made us to be the firstborn among men,”(Spurgeon)

Spurgeon uses an analogy of whom we are to serve.

“I greatly fear that some of you are not the servants of my Master. Then, you are serving another lord, and his burdens, though they may seem little or nothing to you now, will grow, and grow, and grow, and grow, until they sink you into the bottomless pit forever. Have you never heard of the man who served a tyrant master? The tyrant called at the man’s smithy, and said to him, “Make me a chain, find your own iron, and out of it make a chain for me.” “How long shall I make it, your majesty?” “Make it as long as you like, and keep on at it till I come here again.”

He worked for twelve months, and forged a long, long chain. When the tyrant came, he gave him nothing for what he had done, but he said, “Make it as long again.” So the poor man had to go on hammering away at the chain, and when he had finished it, what do you think was the payment he received? The tyrant said, “Bind him, hand and foot, with this chain, and hurl him down into the abyss, bound by the very chain that he has himself forged.” That is what the black prince of hell will do with you who serve him. Therefore, fly from him while you may.” (Spurgeon)

Did you understand his analogy?

If you continue in sin, it will eventually overtake you and you will be bound by it.

Stop making a chain for yourself! Cast your sin aside and fall to the feet the cross!

Only Jesus Christ can free you from your self made chain!


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