Saturday, April 25, 2020

Exodus 34:29-30 Make My Face To Shine!

29And when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was unaware that his face had become radiant from speaking with the LORD. 30Aaron and all the Israelites looked at Moses, and behold, his face was radiant. And they were afraid to approach him.

“The face of Moses shone because he had long looked upon the face of God.” (Spurgeon)

“I am afraid, brethren, that God could not afford to make our faces shine: we should grow too proud. It needs a very meek and lowly spirit to bear the shinings of God.” (Spurgeon)

“We are always praying, ‘Lord, make my face to shine’; but Moses never had such a wish; and, therefore, when it did shine, he did not know it. He had not laid his plans for such an honor. Let us not set traps for personal reputation, or even glance a thought that way.” (Spurgeon)

Spurgeon has a unique way with interpreting Gods word, doesn’t he?

I can’t wait to meet Jesus so He can make my face to shine!
Can you?

Blessings, David 

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