Thursday, April 16, 2020

Exodus 34:15-16 Worship the Lord!

15Do not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you, and you will eat their sacrifices. 16And when you take some of their daughters as brides for your sons, their daughters will prostitute themselves to their gods and cause your sons to do the same.

“To worship a statue while calling it YHWH is not to worship YHWH.” (Cole)

Were you raised with a religion that worshiped statues? 
Notice the context of Cole’s statement, in essence if you pray to a statue you are not praying to the Lord! You are praying to an idol made by man.

The Lord works wonders and answers prayer. For years we have been praying for or son whom we didn’t have any contact with. Several months ago my spouse sent a message to his girlfriend on social media to let him know his dog passed away. She replied that our son wanted to rekindle our relationship. The last few weeks we have been texting a lot and I sent him a bunch of pictures of his childhood. 
He now has two children and I believe the Lord is working on his heart. I’ve given him some fatherly advice and he thanked me. He also said he wants to be a father to his children like I was to him. ðŸ˜‡

The Lord is good and answers prayer!
If you have unanswered prayer, don’t give up! Instead make a prayer request to godly people and ask them to pray too!

Don’t prostitute yourself to a god, worship the Lord (YHWH) instead!

Blessings, David 

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