Friday, April 20, 2018

Romans Road to Salvation, The Lost Bible!

Romans Road to Salvation 

Romans 3:10
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:12
Romans 6:23
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 10:9-10
Romans 10:13

I’ve shared this story before and it’s on my heart this morning.

Our church counselor, Jack was leaving church one day and had set his bible on top of his car and drove home. During his drive home it had rained heavily and when Jack had turned in the bend of the road his bible slid off the roof and landed on the side of the road unbeknownst to him. 
He searched everywhere for his bible and couldn’t locate it.

Sometime later a woman approached him in the parking lot and asked him if his name was Jack? She had explained to him she found his bible alongside the road and when she got home she opened it and saw a note written on a page “Romans Road to Salvation”. She followed the notes and read through the passages and became saved. She continued reading his bible, the notes and highlighted verses and began attending church. One by one her whole family came to Christ and was saved.

When she returned his bible, it wasn’t damaged by the fall or rain. 
God uses circumstances in our lives to bring souls to Him. In this instance he used Jack’s lost bible.

Do you markup and make notes in your bible? Have you ever misplaced it? Maybe God will use your bible also!

Blessings David 

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