Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Persevere. Pdalm 1:3 NLT

Psalm 1:3 NLT
3 They ( those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.) are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

I read this verse and  started wondering about trees. Someone told me once that trees don't drop their leaves until the new bud forms. I thought that was an interesting idea so I looked to see if I could collaborate it. I could not. To their credit, when they told it to me, they said they didn't know if it was true.

We live in the woods. The last few days we had the worst snowstorm we have experienced in over 30 years. Yeah, I know, we just moved here 2.5 years ago from Arizona but still! I remember some bad winters the FIRST 24 years I lived in Michigan.

Anyway, during this snowstorm I noticed a pine tree in the back yard that was decimated by the snow. And I mean decimated. From the window, it looked like a shrub. I mentioned it to David and he went out, Grace the dog in tow, to shake the snow off it so it could stand tall again. If he hadn't, it may have broke from the weight of the snow and the tree would be lost.
I imagine, trees growing along a riverbank with an unlimited source of water would do great. All nice and green with plump juicy fruit. But what about the tree that suffers hardships? Did you know without the wind, a trees roots won't go deep? It has no reason to "hold on". Without the cold, it has no reason to slow down it's growth and conserve it's energy. Without the heat, it has no reason to persevere.
Without the storms and the trials a tree  has no reason to grow strong. And either do we.

Being a Christian doesn't mean we will have an easy life. What it DOES mean is that when the storms and trials of life come our way, because of our faith, we will persevere.

Blessings, Cecilia 

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