Saturday, September 30, 2023

Judges 8:27 Artistic Beauty

 27From all this Gideon made an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his hometown. But soon all Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his household.

“While this was probably done out of a sense of the religious failure of the people, the effect produced was evil and resulted in deterioration of the character of Gideon himself.” (Morgan)

“He did not set up an idol, but he made an ephod, an imitation of that wonderful vestment worn by the high priest. Perhaps he made it of solid gold, not to be worn, but to be looked at, simply to remind the people of the worship of God, and not to be itself worshipped. But ah, dear friends, you see here that, if we go half an inch beyond what God’s Word warrants we always get into mischief!” (Spurgeon)

“Perhaps it is easier to honour God in some courageous action in the limelight of a time of national emergency than it is to honour Him consistently in the ordinary, everyday life, which requires a different kind of courage.” (Cundall)

Artistic beauty has a way of impressing us and giving a sense of awe, but it is not necessarily a godly impression or awe. Many times, it can distract our focus from the LORD. In contrast to this ephod, God commanded that His altars be made of unfinished stone (Exodus 20:25), so that no one’s attention was focused on the beauty of the stone carver’s work.

Our eyes are always drawn to artistic beauty, the fall leaves turning colors, a kitchen that was remodeled, a beautiful home etc. 

The Lord knows our weaknesses! Oh how I enjoy the simple worship of music to the Lord with beautiful voices and instruments.

Last Thursday we attended a Bible study called Steps which consisted of 3 beautiful worship songs with the words illuminated on the wall without imagery, a great video teaching from a pastor, then the men and women separated into small groups for discussion and afterwards fellowship with snacks. The couple that provided snacks even provided gluten free cookies!

It was one of the best Bible studies I’ve attended in years! My spirit sang afterwards!

How do you refresh your spirit in the Lord?


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