Monday, October 2, 2023

Judges 8:28-29 Lust

 28In this way Midian was subdued before the Israelites and did not raise its head again. So the land had rest for forty years in the days of Gideon, 29and he—Jerubbaal son of Joash—returned home and settled down.

“Regarding the security of the nation, Gideon’s rule as a judge over Israel was a success. Yet in many ways he was a spiritual failure.

b. For he had many wives: A harem was not only a reflection of a man’s inability to control his sexual lust, it was also a way for him to proudly express his wealth, by saying “Look at all the wives and children I can support.”

i. The Old Testament never directly condemns polygamy (though the New Testament does in Matthew 19:4-6 and 1 Timothy 3:2). Yet the Old Testament shows the bitter fruit of polygamy. The stories of polygamous families in the Old Testament (such as with Jacob or David) are the stories of conflict and crisis.” (Guzik)

As a man I can say lust is a tool of the devil and it’s hard to control. We are bombarded with sexual images in advertising, movies and even while in public. The internet has brought the scourge of pornography into homes and it has destroyed many families. Recently in the news, was a football coach that was fired from a $85M job because he acted inappropriately with a female sexual abuse survivor on the telephone.

If you can’t control your lust or are addicted to pornography seek godly counseling, remove and disconnect the devices that provide access to your addiction.

Dear Heavenly Father, open our eyes to any behaviors that are displeasing to You and to all that are struggling with an addiction help them break the chains of bondage. For those that are in recovery, please keep them strong and addiction free. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.


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