Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Judges 9:22-25 Commission

 22After Abimelech had reigned over Israel for three years, 23God sent a spirit of animosity between Abimelech and the leaders of Shechem and caused them to treat Abimelech deceitfully, 24in order that the crime against the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come to justice and their blood be avenged on their brother Abimelech and on the leaders of Shechem, who had helped him murder his brothers.

25The leaders of Shechem set up an ambush against Abimelech on the hilltops, and they robbed all who passed by them on the road. So this was reported to Abimelech.

reigned: “is unique to the book and is perhaps chosen to distinguish Abimelech’s ill-fated rule from that of the true judges. Abimelech was more like a tyrant than a king.” (Wolf)

“The extent of Abimelech’s kingdom was very limited; only Shechem, Beth-millo, Arumah (Judges 9:41) and Thebez (Judges 9:50) are mentioned as under his jurisdiction and it is unlikely that it extended beyond a portion of western Manasseh.” (Cundall)

“God gave the devil commission to enter into or work upon their minds and hearts; knowing that he of himself, and by his own inclinations, would fill them with mistakes, and jealousies, and dissensions, and heart-burnings, which would end in civil wars and mutual ruin.” (Poole)

“Prompted by the spirit of ill will, the men of Shechem set ambushes on the mountain roads, hoping to disrupt the trade routes that profited Abimelech.” (Guzik)

“This would have the effect of reducing the number of travelers and caravans in such a troubled area, thus emptying the pockets of Abimelech as well as hitting at his pride, for he could not guarantee the safety of travel in his domain.” (Cundall)


Poole uses an interesting description in his commentary on what God allowed the devil to do. 

God gave Satan commission over Job due to him being “a man who is blameless and upright, who fears God and shuns evil.””

Job 1: 12“Very well,” said the LORD to Satan. “Everything he has is in your hands, but you must not lay a hand on the man himself.”

God gives Satan commission for His purposes, be it mutual ruin of sinners or to test a blameless and upright person like Job.

It’s hard to wrap your mind around it, isn’t it?

Dear Heavenly Father please give us the faith to withstand any test, be it by man, the devil or commissioned by You. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.


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