Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Exodus 20:13 RASAH!

13You shall not murder.

murder is the taking of life without legal justification (execution after due process) or moral justification (killing in defense).

rasah: The Hebrew word that is translated as "murder" is RASAH. It means "to murder."

“Hebrew possesses seven words for killing… If any one of the seven words could signify ‘murder,’ where factors of premeditation and intentionality are present, this is the verb.” (Kaiser)

This important distinction explains how someone can quite consistently argue for the principle of capital punishment and the prohibition of murder. When carried out properly, capital punishment is killing with legal justification. (Guzik)

Some argue that the commandment says, thou shall not kill.
I would argue that the Old Testament proves this wording incorrect. If you read it you will see that Moses, Saul, David and others were told to utterly destroy a people’s, men, women, children and livestock.
If the commandment was thou shall not kill, wouldn’t this commandment make these leaders and kings guilty of violating this commandment?
But some could say God has judged them and used these leaders and kings to carry out the judgement. I would say true, but it doesn’t negate the fact that they killed!

Have you ever wished someone would die?
I’m guilty!

Blessings, David 

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