Monday, August 28, 2023

Judges 5:19-23 Did Not Come To Help

 19Kings came and fought;

then the kings of Canaan fought at Taanach

by the waters of Megiddo,

but they took no plunder of silver.

20From the heavens the stars fought;

from their courses they fought against Sisera.

21The River Kishon swept them away,

the ancient river, the River Kishon.

March on, O my soul, in strength!

22Then the hooves of horses thundered—

the mad galloping of his stallions.

23‘Curse Meroz,’ says the angel of the LORD.

‘Bitterly curse her inhabitants;

for they did not come to help the LORD,

to help the LORD against the mighty.’

“The battle was fought from the heavens in the sense that God sent rain that made the Canaanite chariots of no use (the torrent of Kishon swept them away).” 

“Apparently the city of Meroz was of no help. God still accomplished His work, but the city of Meroz was cursed because they had no part in it.” (Guzik)

Did Not Come To Help

Yesterday we watched a movie, “Big George Foreman” and I never realized he had a come to Jesus moment and became a minister. Later a mother had brought her troubled teen to him for help and he basically said all he needed was the Bible and Jesus and he would be ok. A week later George saw on the news the teen was arrested for a shooting, he then realized he did not come to help the boy on his level but wanted the boy to meet him at his level. That’s when George was led to purchase a building and to turn it into a recreation center for the youth so he could come to help and meet the youth at their level.

As Christian’s we need to help the lost by planting a seed for Jesus Christ.

What will the angel of the Lord say about us, “for they did not come to help the LORD”?


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