Saturday, August 26, 2023

Judges 5:13-18 Indecision

 13Then the survivors came down to the nobles;

the people of the LORD came down to me against the mighty.

14Some came from Ephraim, with their roots in Amalek;

Benjamin came with your people after you.

The commanders came down from Machir,

the bearers of the marshal’s staff from Zebulun.

15The princes of Issachar were with Deborah,

and Issachar was with Barak,

rushing into the valley at his heels.

In the clans of Reuben

there was great indecision.

16Why did you sit among the sheepfolds

to hear the whistling for the flocks?

In the clans of Reuben

there was great indecision.

17Gilead remained beyond the Jordan.

Dan, why did you linger by the ships?

Asher stayed at the coast

and remained in his harbors.

18Zebulun was a people who risked their lives;

Naphtali, too, on the heights of the battlefield.

“As she remembered God’s help, Deborah knew that His help came from the tribes of Israel, stirred to join in the battle. Deborah praised the tribes that helped, notably Ephraim, West Manasseh, Benjamin, Zebulun, Issachar, and Naphtali.”

“Not every tribe was helpful. Reuben, East Manasseh, Dan, and Asher did not join in the battle.” (Guzik)

“All these are worthily shamed and shented, though they were not without some sorry pleas and pretences. The labouring Church must be some way helped, if be but by our prayers.” (Trapp)


Indecision killed the cat! An old saying from my childhood! Yesterday when we left our campground the rain started to fall, thunder started to clap and weather alerts came across the radio. A fast moving storm with high winds and hail, take shelter NOW! I was hit with indecision, then prayed. I drove by a Jehovah Witness building that had a covered porch. Thought about it but kept driving and headed east. Then I remembered a county road that went south that I had used years ago but it confused my navigation system! I took it to the coastline highway to the bridge and skirted the storm! Thank you Jesus!

Life is short, don’t be indecisive with Jesus because eternity is forever!

Are you born again? 

John 3:3 Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”


Mark Twain Quote:

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