Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Judges 3:15 A left-handed man!

 15And again they cried out to the LORD, and He raised up Ehud son of Gera, a left-handed Benjamite, as their deliverer. So they sent him with tribute to Eglon king of Moab.

“This shows the mercy of God. When Israel repeatedly drifted from God, He had every right to cast them off completely. Yet He still responded when they finally did call on Him for deliverance.

b. Ehud… a left-handed man: In the ancient world left-handed people were often forced to become right-handed. This made Ehud’s standing as a left-handed man more unusual.” (Guzik)

“He is described as a left-handed man, literally ‘restricted as to his right hand’. In the eyes of an Israelite, this was regarded as a physical defect and it appears often in connection with the Benjaminites, without affecting their prowess in battle (cf20:16).” (Cundall)

Years ago I was taking an instructor course for firearms instruction classes and the counselor had us perform a simple task to verify which eye 👁️ was dominant. We had to hold out our hands at arms length and form a 1.5” ⭕️ to look through at a person’s nose  standing about 10’ away. The person had to determine which eye 👁️ we were using to focus on their nose. That’s when I found out my left eye was dominant which meant I should have been shooting left handed! I immediately switched shooting with my left hand and had better scores than right handed.

So technically I should have been a left-handed man.

I suspect choosing Ehud, a left-handed man gave him a tactical advantage getting through king Eglon’s security.

Are you a right-handed or left-handed person?


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