Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Judges 5:1-2 Bless the Lord!

 1On that day Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this song:

2“When the princes take the lead in Israel,

when the people volunteer,

bless the LORD.

“Deborah was a poetess as well as a prophetess.” (Trapp)

“Deborah sang concerning the overthrow of Israel’s enemies, and the deliverance vouchsafed to the tribes: we have a far richer theme for music; we have been delivered from worse enemies, and saved by a greater salvation. Let our gratitude be deeper; let our song be more jubilant.” (Spurgeon)

“When he had been most slandered — when the Pope had launched out a new bull, and when the kings of the earth had threatened him fiercely — Luther would gather together his friends, and say, ‘Come let us sing a psalm and spite the devil.’ He would ever sing the most psalms when the world roared the most.” (Spurgeon)

“We can think of the relation between leader and people as that of the conductor and the orchestra. The conductor must lead, and the orchestra must be ready and willing to follow the conductor’s leadership. When the conductor does his job and the orchestra does their job, then beautiful music is made.” (Guzik)

Bless the Lord

Some people can sing and others sound like a howling dog and I fall in the latter category! But it doesn’t mean I can’t say or think, bless the Lord! I try to thank Him daily for His provision and His blessings upon me. One thing I love about Tucson is the stars at night. I’d often wonder what it was like for David as a shepherd boy looking up at the night sky and the stars talking to the Lord! Oh bless the Lord!

Do you bless the Lord like Deborah, Barak or David?


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