Friday, June 18, 2021

The Lord is Good!


Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good, and His loving devotion endures forever; His faithfulness continues to all generations.

Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His loving devotion endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His loving devotion endures forever.

The Lord is good!

Do you see a reoccurring theme here?

Recently I asked for prayer for my wife because of a work situation. She had been put through hades for five months, targeted for termination and was the subject of retaliation . She was unjustly written up, wasn’t allowed to explain her side of the story and the stress was affecting her health.

Then they got a new manager and she started an investigation.

The Plot

An employee that my wife is responsible for was going out on the floor gossiping and affecting morale, you know the type, sweet and innocent to your face but sticks a knife in your back. Turns out she wanted my wife’s position. There were five people involved including two supervisors and the HR person. SOP’s were violated and the negative write up was removed from my wife’s personnel file. 

The manager apologized to my wife for everything she was subjected to.

 My wife explained to the manager she wanted to move to a different department because she could no longer trust these people and the manager agreed.

Shortly afterwards a posting appeared for that department and today my wife was informed she received the position. 😇

I have been praying for these people to repent and if not, that the Lord turn their words and actions back around on them. I believe He answered the prayers because the Lord is good!

Please keep praying that these people to repent and change their ways.

The Lord is good!


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