Thursday, December 24, 2020

Leviticus 27:9-13 Redemption has a high price!

 9If he vows an animal that may be brought as an offering to the LORD, any such animal given to the LORD shall be holy. 10He must not replace it or exchange it, either good for bad or bad for good. But if he does substitute one animal for another, both that animal and its substitute will be holy.

11But if the vow involves any of the unclean animals that may not be brought as an offering to the LORD, the animal must be presented before the priest. 12The priest shall set its value, whether high or low; as the priest values it, the price will be set. 13If, however, the owner decides to redeem the animal, he must add a fifth to its value.

“If an animal was clean (fit for sacrifice), and you wanted to redeem it from the vow of consecration to the LORD (perhaps because the animal was especially useful), you could exchange it for another animal - as long as that animal was also clean, and equally suitable for sacrifice.” (Guzik)

To redeem a unclean animal (like a donkey) the owner would have to pay the price the priest set plus 20%. 

What value could we place on Jesus for His sacrifice?

Jesus couldn’t have been redeemed, replaced or exchanged!

Which is why He came down from heaven, there was no other way to redeem our souls from sin.

Redemption has a high price, remember that when we celebrate His birth on Christmas Day! 

Do you celebrate His birthday with a cake on Christmas Day?

Happy birthday Jesus!

Blessings, David 

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