Saturday, December 5, 2020

Be afraid, be very afraid. Proverbs 3:7-8

 I grew up on a small family farm in southern Michigan. There was an older couple that lived across the road from us. I loved to go visit the lady that lived there, not just for the homemade baked goods that were always on hand, not just for the individual attention I received from her when I went there (I was one of 6 kids and individual attention was in short supply) but because I loved to look at that beautiful house. It was partly made of stone with high ceilings and a lot of beautiful woodwork throughout the house. Anytime Mom needed eggs from our chickens delivered to Mrs. Shoning, I volunteered. I remember one time I was running across the yard to Mrs. Shoning’s and a storm was coming. Suddenly there was a huge clap of thunder, KABOOM! I saw the flash almost instantaneously. I stopped, crouching, my hands over my head, then ran faster to get to safety. The rain started shortly after that. 

As a child, I envisioned being struck by lightning if God ran out of patience with me. I walked in fear even on sunny days.  KABOOM! And I’d be history. It wasn’t until I began attending a nondenominational church that I learned of Gods infinite love. 

I understand the use of the word “Fear” in association with “Fear of the Lord.” It’s about being in awe of, respect for, adoration of, in reverence of, holding Him in the highest esteem. It’s a deep love that cannot be broken. 

To fear God is to understand His power, an awareness of His ability. He can crush kingdoms or raise them up. He can strike down the wicked and free the oppressed. As Creator of the Universe, He is in complete control of destinies. Yet with all His power and ability and Omniscience, He gives us free will. We are allowed to choose to respect Him with awe and adoration or walk away. To walk away from the Lord is to walk toward evil. 

Proverbs 3:7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.

Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.

In His Name, Cecilia

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