Monday, June 24, 2019

Genesis 50:20-26 I am about to die!

22Now Joseph and his father’s household remained in Egypt, and Joseph lived to the age of 110. 23He saw Ephraim’s sons to the third generation, and indeed the sons of Machir son of Manasseh were brought up on Joseph’s knees.
24Then Joseph said to his brothers, “I am about to die, but God will surely visit you and bring you up from this land to the land He promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” 25And Joseph made the sons of Israel take an oath and said, “God will surely attend to you, and then you must carry my bones up from this place.”
26So Joseph died at the age of 110. And they embalmed his body and placed it in a coffin in Egypt.

Several things stand out to me while studying these verses.
“I am about to die”. Isn’t it interesting the Joseph just like his father before him was given insight, given a gift that their death was imminent?
“and then you must carry my bones up from this place”, Joseph knew Egypt wasn’t his home. He wanted to be buried in the promised land.

Hebrews 11:22By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites and gave instructions about his bones.
It took nearly six hundred years for the Promise to be fulfilled, for Abraham’s seed to take possession of the promised land.
Some of the Lords promises take a long time to fulfill.
The Jews were waiting and praying for the Promise to be fulfilled.

God may answer your prayers right away or it may take years, but His answers are in His timing and for His purposes.
“I hope in God, I pray on, and look for the answer. Therefore, beloved brethren and sisters, go on waiting upon God, go on praying.” George Mueller 

Don’t give in to the devil when he whispers in your ear, God won’t answer you.
Go on waiting upon God, go on praying!

Blessings, David 

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