Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Genesis 49:14-15 Lying down between the sheepfolds!

14Issachar is a strong donkey,
lying down between the sheepfolds.
15He saw that his resting place was good
and that his land was pleasant,
so he bent his shoulder to the burden
and submitted to labor as a servant.

When I first read these verses it didn’t occur to me that the tribe of Issachar was lazy. They were the third largest tribe according to, Numbers 26:25These were the clans of Issachar, and their registration numbered 64,300.

“The meaning seems to be that Issachar was strong, but docile and lazy. He would enjoy the good land assigned him but would not strive for it. Therefore, eventually he would be pressed into servitude and the mere bearing of burdens for his masters.” (Leupold)

But I have to admit that it’s easy to become lazy. As I age I am unable to do the things I use to do and pain becomes my master. 
I find myself lying down between the sheepfolds.
Do you?

Blessings, David 

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