Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Genesis 49:13 Devoted to David!

13Zebulun shall dwell by the seashore
and become a harbor for ships;
his border shall extend to Sidon.

Jacob skipped the birth order focusing on the sons born of Leah.

The tribe of Zebulun was noted for its devotion to David supplying the larges number of soldiers than any other tribe.
1 Chronicles 12:33From Zebulun: 50,000 fit for service, trained for battle with all kinds of weapons of war, who with one purpose were devoted to David.

The tribe of Zebulun settled the piece of land sitting between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Galilee. They looked both east and west toward the sea. To the right of Cammat is the Sea of Galilee.

“who with one purpose were devoted to David.” What a tribute! 

My parents named me after King David. When we lived in Tucson I use to look up at the night sky, at the stars and be in awe of Gods creation. In my quiet time with the Lord, I’d wonder what it was like for David as a boy tending the sheep and talking, praying to the Lord under the stars.

Do you spend quiet time with the Lord on a daily basis?

Blessings, David 


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