Saturday, July 28, 2018

Psalm 59 Deliver me from my enemies!

Psalm 59
Deliver Me From My Enemies
(1 Samuel 20:1-10)
1For the choirmaster. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.” A Miktam Of David, When Saul sent men to watch his house to kill him.
Deliver me from my enemies, O my God;
protect me from those who rise against me.
2Deliver me from workers of iniquity,
and save me from men of bloodshed.
3See how they lie in wait for me.
Fierce men conspire against me
for no transgression or sin of my own, O LORD.
4For no fault of my own,
they move swiftly to attack me.
Arise to help me, and take notice.
5O LORD God of Hosts, the God of Israel,
rise up to punish all the nations;
show no mercy to the wicked traitors.
6They return in the evening,
snarling like dogs
and prowling around the city.
7See what they spew from their mouths—
sharp words from their lips:
“For who can hear us?”
8But You, O LORD, laugh at them;
You scoff at all the nations.
9I will keep watch for You, O my strength;
for You, O God, are my fortress.
10My God of loving devotion will come to meet me;
God will let me stare down my foes.
11Do not kill them,
or my people will forget.
Scatter them by Your power,
and bring them down,
O Lord, our shield.
12By the sins of their mouths
and the words of their lips,
let them be trapped in their pride,
in the curses and lies they utter.
13Consume them in wrath;
consume them till they are no more,
so it may be known to the ends of the earth
that God rules over Jacob.
14They return in the evening,
snarling like dogs
and prowling around the city.
15They scavenge for food,
and growl if they are not satisfied.
16But I will sing of Your strength
and proclaim Your loving devotion in the morning.
For You are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.
17To You, O my strength, I sing praises,
for You, O God, are my fortress,
my God of loving devotion.

Our pastor is teaching on “well intentioned dragons”. It’s a series about a critical spirit, a person who scars a ministry from within.
We have such a person in our ministry. Habitual complaining, gossiping and causing derision.
Psalm 59 reminds us where we should take our concerns. David lifted up his enemies before God.

I pray that God shines His light on these dragons and His will be done. I pray the He protects His ministry and puts an end to this situation!
Deliver Me From My Enemies!

“Do not kill them,
or my people will forget.
Scatter them by Your power,
and bring them down,
O Lord, our shield.”

“By the sins of their mouths
and the words of their lips,
let them be trapped in their pride,
in the curses and lies they utter.”

“For You are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble”.

Blessings, David 

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