Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Sibling Rivalry. Genesis 35:27-29 NLT

At the end of Isaac's life, his children were able to come together, having put their past behind them, and work as one. How often do we see this happen? Not as often as you may think. 

Many years ago when my Mother-in-law had open heart surgery, I saw the worst come out in two of her daughter's. They became very controlling, bickering with the others siblings, dictating who could visit with mom and how long they could stay. David and I decided we would visit her during the times we knew his sisters would not be there. I remember commenting at the time that I hated to see what was going to happen when his parents died and it came time to deal with the estate. David responded "I don't want anything to do with it." 

What a prophetic conversation that was! Approximately 20 years later when his father died preceded by his wife 8 years earlier, it was discovered his sisters had complete control over all of the assets. One brother wanted to take them to court but David walked away. He wanted nothing to do with it. 

Although we had predicted it, although we were not surprised, we still cannot imagine one sibling treating another this way. So every day we pray for them. We pray for them to repent, we pray they seek God, we pray they are convicted before it's too late for them. It's not about the money or the possession's that were sold off. It's about the pain I see in David's eye's. It's about the deepest hurt he has ever experienced, the betrayal from his flesh and blood. 

And I pray I can forgive them for the pain they caused my husband. 

Genesis 35:27-29 NLT

27 So Jacob returned to his father, Isaac, in Mamre, which is near Kiriath-arba (now called Hebron), where Abraham and Isaac had both lived as foreigners. 28 Isaac lived for 180 years. 29 Then he breathed his last and died at a ripe old age, joining his ancestors in death. And his sons, Esau and Jacob, buried him.

Blessings, Cecilia

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