Saturday, January 6, 2018

Just thinking

I often wonder when I get behind a slow driver and cannot pass them what God is protecting me from? A red light runner that would have hit me because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time? A pile up I could have been a part of? A child in the road that I would have hit because I was hurrying? The possibilities are endless.....
What if instead of getting annoyed with that person in front of you for driving too slow you sat back, took a few deep breaths and relaxed. It could be a new teen driving alone for the first time, a parent with precious cargo strapped in the backseat, someone with bald tires who has to choose between food and better tires, a person with anxiety due to a previous accident, an elderly person who wouldn’t be out if it weren’t for an empty medicine bottle, someone who just lost a loved one and is in shock, maybe it’s just someone who just wants to be extra cautious for the safety of others! Allow yourself extra time so you can be kind to others. Whether the roads are clear and dry, wet or snow covered and icy, God wants you to get there safe...and the other driver too. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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