Thursday, November 23, 2023

Judges 13:22-23 Encourage One Another!

 22And Manoah said to his wife, “We shall surely die, because we have seen God!”

23But his wife said to him, “If the Lord had desired to kill us, He would not have accepted a burnt offering and a grain offering from our hands, nor would He have shown us all these things, nor would He have told us such things as these at this time.”

“Manoah perhaps knew what God said to Moses in Exodus 33:20You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live. Manoah feared that because they had just seen the LORD, they would shortly die.” (Guzik)

“Manoah’s wife was an invaluable source of encouragement for his faith. She didn’t criticize Manoah. She didn’t say, “What a silly man you are. What a stupid man you must be to be so frightened.” We can never strengthen someone’s faith by criticizing. We must do as Manoah’s wife did - encourage them and build faith up.” (Guzik)

He would not have accepted a burnt offering: “The basis of the faith of Manoah’s wife was that she knew that the LORD had accepted their offering to Him. The same principle works for the Christian believer today: If the LORD wanted to do you evil, He would have never accepted an offering on your behalf – the offering of Jesus on the cross.” (Guzik)

“Brother, if the Lord had meant to destroy us, he would not have shown us our sin, because we were happy enough previously, were we not? In our own poor way we were content enough, and if he did not mean to pardon us, it was not like the Lord to show us our sin, and so to torment us before our time, unless he meant to take it away.” (Spurgeon)

Encourage one another and may the Lord bless you and your family on this day of thanksgiving!


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