Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Joshua 14:10-15 Give Me This Mountain!

 10Now behold, as the LORD promised, He has kept me alive these forty-five years since He spoke this word to Moses, while Israel wandered in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old, 11still as strong today as I was the day Moses sent me out. As my strength was then, so it is now for war, for going out, and for coming in.

12Now therefore give me this hill country that the LORD promised me on that day, for you yourself heard then that the Anakim were there, with great and fortified cities. Perhaps with the LORD’s help I will drive them out, as the LORD has spoken.”

13Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. 14Therefore Hebron belongs to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite as an inheritance to this day, because he wholly followed the LORD, the God of Israel. 15(Hebron used to be called Kiriath-arba, after Arba, the greatest man among the Anakim.)

Then the land had rest from war.

Give Me This Mountain!

“Though he is advanced in age, his strength is undiminished. At eighty-five he was out leading the fight, and not against just any foe, but against the Anakim.” (Guzik)

Don’t let this miracle slip by! Because of Caleb’s faith, “he wholly followed the Lord”, the Lord preserved him physically and mentally! He was ready, willing and able to fight the Anakim! And in those fourth five years his sandals and clothes never wore out!

Christian, look at this lesson with Caleb and cling to it as a promise! 

When we meet King Jesus we will have shed our earthly tent and our spirit will be sin free! We will be in the promised heavenly realm!

I can’t wait, can you?


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