Thursday, April 13, 2023

Joshua 13:1 Possess

 1Now Joshua was old and well along in years, and the LORD said to him, “You are old and well along in years, but very much of the land remains to be possessed.

“Even while acknowledging Joshua’s advanced years, God still tells him about a job that needs to be done. No matter how much we have done in our Christian lives, there still remains much to do.”

“While there is still much to do, there can be no satisfaction with a partial inheritance – God wants us to keep pressing on.”

“What the land was to Israel, Jesus is to us. We are to possess all of Him, and to keep pressing on to have all of Jesus.” (Guzik)

How do we keep pressing on with Jesus? By being in His word daily, thanking Him for our blessings, teaching our children and grandchildren about Him, by treating others as Jesus would treat them.

WWJD should be our motto. (What would Jesus do?)

Do you possess all of Him?


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