Thursday, January 5, 2023


 One of my devotionals this morning was on Proverbs 21:25-26 and it made me think of wasted time spent on worthless things! A picture is worth a thousand words so here are two Proverbs verses at opposite ends of the spectrum.

One of my struggles is as I age I cannot do the physical things I used to and I don’t have the energy as I did in my younger years. But I look back at my life and when I was eleven, I worked part time at a local market. When I was twelve I painted my grandmother’s house. I cut lawns and raked leaves. When I was fifteen I painted my aunt’s (widow) house. Sixteen through seventeen I was a stock boy at a local market and was assigned the can isle. So I was always busy working on productive things. I also inherited my grandfather’s money sense and saved for things of necessity. I’m not a rich man by our standards but the Lord has provided and I’m rich in a spiritual sense because my faith is in Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a [true and faithful] wife finds a good thing And obtains favor and approval from the LORD.

I’m also rich because the Lord has given me a loving wife and a lasting marriage!

Do I have the right to be a sluggard in my retirement years? It’s not in my dna!

May our Lord Jesus guide our hearts today and remove our idleness, organize our time and make us wise men and women with our time!



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