Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Joshua 4:4-7 Stones Shall Become A Memorial!

 4Then Joshua called the twelve men whom he had appointed from the sons of Israel, one man from each tribe; 5and Joshua said to them, “Cross over again to the ark of the LORD your God into the midst of the Jordan, and each of you take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel, 6so that this may be a sign among you; when your children ask later, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ 7then you shall say to them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall become a memorial for Israel forever.”

“stones shall become a memorial”

When we built our barn we had to clear trees, stumps and level the side of the hill and in doing so I pulled many “stones” and we moved them with the tractor front end loader and made a stone “row” at the edge of the driveway. The smaller ones we threw in a pile and use them for various projects.

When I see these “stones” they are a memorial of all the work the Lord helped us accomplish. The stones remind me of a saying my wife would say when I got discouraged during this project, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

Remember your days past, recall all the times the Lord has helped you. 

Memorialize them and continually praise Him for helping you!


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