Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Joshua 2:1b Prostitute and Sinners

Joshua 2:1b So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.

So much could be contrived in this short verse! I’ve decided to add David Guzik’s commentary on this verse because it dives into it deeply!

Through the history of Christianity, it has embarrassed some Bible interpreters that these two spies went to the house of a prostitute. Some have tried to say that Rahab was simply an “innkeeper,” but the language is clear enough. She was a harlot.

i. In the second century Origen wrote: “As the first Joshua sent his spies before him and they were received into the harlot’s house, so the second Joshua sent his forerunners, whom the publicans and harlots gladly received”.

ii. It is great when sinners receive Jesus; not those who deny their sinfulness or don’t know what they are capable of apart from Jesus – the gospel is for those who know they are sinners.

b. And lodged there: Why did they go to the harlot’s house? Though it was an awkward place, it must be admitted that it was a perfect place to hide out and remain anonymous, and this was necessary because the city was on strict guard.

i. There isn’t even the hint of immorality with Rahab. Anyone who assumes that there was immoral conduct forces their own bias on the text.

Jesus came for the sinners and to provide a way to the Father through HIS blood 🩸 sacrifice. Are you a sinner in need of salvation? Is your place in heaven secured?
If the Lord could use a prostitute named Rahab, why can’t HE use you?

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