Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Deuteronomy 22:8 Railing!

 8“When you build a new house, you shall make a railing (parapet) around your [flat] roof, so that you do not bring the guilt of [innocent] blood on your house if someone falls from it.

“In his sermon on Deuteronomy 22:8, titled “Battlements,” Charles Spurgeon shows how just as there was to be a railing for the protection of people on the roofs of Israel’s homes, there are also spiritual railings for our protection. Many people, in regard to sin, get too close to the edge and fall off. Then it’s too late! We need to have “railings” protecting us from the edge. Such railings will not only protect us, but others also.” (Guzik)

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard of someone falling into the Grand Canyon by getting too close to the edge. They ignored the railing and crawled under to get a closer look. Or they decided to take a selfie while daring themselves to get a closer photo, overlooking the edge. People have done stupid things and some commemorate the tragic events by awarding the event a Darwin Award. 

If you don’t accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior before you die you too will earn the Darwin Award! You know the Truth and ignored His knocking at your door!

Jesus or Darwin, your choice!


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