Thursday, November 11, 2021

Numbers 36:5-9 Inheritance Continued!

 5So at the word of the LORD, Moses commanded the Israelites: “The tribe of the sons of Joseph speaks correctly. 6This is what the LORD has commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad: They may marry anyone they please, provided they marry within a clan of the tribe of their father. 7No inheritance in Israel may be transferred from tribe to tribe, because each of the Israelites is to retain the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers. 8Every daughter who possesses an inheritance from any Israelite tribe must marry within a clan of the tribe of her father, so that every Israelite will possess the inheritance of his fathers. 9No inheritance may be transferred from one tribe to another, for each tribe of Israel must retain its inheritance.”

Inheritance Continued!

“The solution is fairly simple - if a daughter in a family receives an inheritance of land, she must marry within the tribe. Since the tribes were large enough, this really was no burden.”

“Seemingly, if a daughter married outside the tribe, she had to forfeit the inheritance - because not only did she have inheritance rights, but the tribe did also. Her individual right of inheritance was not the only nor the greatest consideration. (Guzik)

When the vulture’s descend for the inheritance seek the Lord for godly advice, pray without ceasing until you get an answer. Then and only then, with the ❤️ of Jesus give your answer on the inheritance. But remember, the world doesn’t know Him and won’t understand your answer or reaction in love.


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