Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Numbers 36:3-4 Biblical Decisions and Inheritance

  3But if they marry any of the men from the other tribes of Israel, their inheritance will be withdrawn from the portion of our fathers and added to the tribe into which they marry. So our allotted inheritance would be taken away. 4And when the Jubilee for the Israelites comes, their inheritance will be added to the tribe into which they marry and taken away from the tribe of our fathers.”

“Solving the problem of Zelophehad’s daughters had created another problem - how to keep the property in a tribe through the generations. This illustrates an important principle - that there are rarely perfect solutions to problems; there are usually answers that are trade-offs in other areas. Maturity is able to make and accept the right decisions even when they aren’t perfect, “cost-free” solutions.” (Guzik)

Biblical Decisions and Inheritance 

The world teaches us to fight and take what you can get. Unfortunately many Christian’s don’t look to the Bible when dealing with family and inheritance. 

If only everyone had the love of Jesus in their heart ❤️ and trusted in the Lord completely.


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