Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Numbers 3:33-36 The Merarites (Burden-Bearers)

 The Merarites

(Numbers 4:29–331 Chronicles 23:21–23)

33From Merari came the clans of the Mahlites and Mushites; these were the Merarite clans. 34The number of all the males a month old or more was 6,200.

35The leader of the families of the Merarites was Zuriel son of Abihail; they were to camp on the north side of the tabernacle.

36The duties assigned to the sons of Merari were the tabernacle’s frames, crossbars, posts, bases, and all its equipment—all the service for these items, 37as well as the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs, and ropes.

“First, He thought upon them, though they were but burden-bearers. Here is a whole chapter about them, and there are other chapters about these Gershonites, and Kohathites, and Merarites. The Lord directed Moses to write all this about them. Possibly you have been thinking that the Lord only recollects apostles, and great leaders in His church, but it is not so. He remembers the burden-bearers, the rank and file are dear to Him.” (Spurgeon)

“The Lord knows them that are his,” whatever position they may occupy, and though some of you may have to go from this service to a very poor home, and though others of you have only crept out from your bed for a little while, and will soon have to be back there to endure new pains, and though you feel as if all that you had to do was to lie and suffer—well, the Lord knows all about it.” (Spurgeon)


There are days when I get out of bed my burdens seem heavy, but I am reminded they are light when compared to Jesus Christ and the burden He carried on the cross. I can also look elsewhere and see others that carry bigger and heavier burdens. 

We may not be able to lift “frames, crossbars, posts, bases and all its equipment” like the Metarites or be able to get out of bed, but we have a powerful tool we can lift up to the Lord and that tool is prayer 🙏.

Pray for our nation, pray for our leaders, pray for those that don’t have a relationship with Jesus, pray for your family and pray for those that persecute you.

I pray you have a blessed day. Blessings 

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