Sunday, January 24, 2021

Awe Nuts! Jude 1:1

Did you grow up under the shadow of an older sibling? Did  you go through high school being compared to your brainiac or athletic older brother or sister? Can you imagine the conversations in Jude’s house growing up under the shadow of an older brother who truly was perfect? 

Jude didn’t even believe Jesus was the Messiah until after His resurrection. Mark 3:21 tells us “When his family heard what was happening, they tried to take him away. “He’s out of his mind,” they said.” His own siblings thought he was nuts. 

Jude1:1 This letter is from Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of James. I am writing to all who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ.

That reminds me of another Bible story of sibling rivalry. Joseph’s brothers were so jealous of him they sold him o the first merchant caravan that came along. 

Genesis 37:28 So when the Ishmaelites, who were Midianite traders, came by, Joseph’s brothers pulled him out of the cistern and sold him to them for twenty piecesd of silver. And the traders took him to Egypt.

In His Name, Cecilia 

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