Friday, July 31, 2020

Leviticus 9:17-21 Sacrifices and the Bible!

17 He also brought the grain offering, took a handful of it and burned it on the altar in addition to the morning’s burnt offering.
18 He slaughtered the ox and the ram as the fellowship offering for the people. His sons handed him the blood, and he splashed it against the sides of the altar. 19 But the fat portions of the ox and the ram—the fat tail, the layer of fat, the kidneys and the long lobe of the liver— 20 these they laid on the breasts, and then Aaron burned the fat on the altar. 21 Aaron waved the breasts and the right thigh before the Lord as a wave offering, as Moses commanded.

“Aaron, like every priest among God’s people, must receive God’s atoning sacrifice first. It was only then that he could properly bring the people’s offering.” (Guzik)

I was watching Turning Points this morning with David Jeremiah and he explained that a preacher had an interview with a CNN reporter. The reporter asked, when is the Bible going to get with the 21st century?
He knew right then that the reporter never read the Bible.

The Lord speaks to us through the Bible. 
A new reader of the Bible might think the sacrifices in these verses are ancient and not with the 21st century. But as they study it they will realize that these verses are a prelude to Jesus who shed His blood as the final sacrifice for our salvation.

I know someone who tells a story about their bible that was lost because he set it on the roof of his car. As he was driving home during a rainstorm the Bible fell of the roof in a curve of the road and landed on the shoulder. A woman found it, took it home and started reading his notes he had written within the pages. She found his Romans Road to Salvation notes and received Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Eventually her whole family came to Christ. She returned the Bible to its owner and told him this story about his lost Bible.
The question is, was it really lost?

Do you think the Bible is not with the 21st century?

Blessings, David

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