Saturday, July 18, 2020

Leviticus 8:14-17 Killing-Place!

14Moses then brought the bull near for the sin offering, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head. 15Moses slaughtered the bull, took some of the blood, and applied it with his finger to all four horns of the altar, purifying the altar. He poured out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar and consecrated it so that atonement could be made on it.
16Moses also took all the fat that was on the entrails, the lobe of the liver, and both kidneys and their fat, and burned it all on the altar. 17But the bull with its hide, flesh, and dung he burned outside the camp, as the LORD had commanded him.

“The Hebrew word means more than lightly placing the hand, it gives the idea of pressing hard upon the bullock’s head. They came each one and leaned upon the victim, loading him with their burden, signifying their acceptance of its substitution, their joy that the Lord would accept that victim in their stead. When they put their hands on the bullock, they made a confession of sin.” (Spurgeon)

Alter, ancient Hebrew word translates killing-place.
The new covenant alter, killing-place is the cross.

Sins price (debt) is blood 🩸 
What or whom paid your debt for sin?

Blessings, David 

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