Monday, January 15, 2018

Revelation 6-History or Prophecy?

The First Seal: The White Horse
1Then I watched as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a thunderous voice, “Come!”
2So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider had a bow. And he was given a crown, and rode out to conquer and defeat.

“It is worthy of remark that the opening of the seals is not merely a declaration of what God will do, but is the exhibition of a purpose then accomplished; for whenever the seal is opened, the sentence appears to be executed.” (Clarke)

“Here we reach an interpretive crossroads of the Book of Revelation. You can tell much about how a person understands this book and God’s prophetic plan by seeing how they understand this first rider. Those who think Revelation is mostly a book of history believe that this rider is Jesus, the apostles, or the Roman emperors. Those who believe that this is a prophetic passage, yet to be fulfilled, often account this rider to be the antichrist.” (Guzik)

“But about the first (horse and rider) there is controversy. His white horse and golden crown resemble His Who appears in Revelation 19:11, Whose Name is called the Word of God: and hence many think that this Rider is Christ, or at least the representative of Christ’s Kingdom. But is it possible that when He has come, the plagues that follow should come after him? or why should the living creatures continue to cry to Him to come, if He be come already? It would be more credible, that the first Rider is a false Christ, just as Matthew 24:5 precedes Revelation 6:6-7. “ (Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges)

I believe as a few of the commentators do that this is the antichrist. The antichrist becomes a mighty hunter of men. He comes as a false messiah and leads men in an organized rebellion against God.
When we study the Bible we need to study it in context. It would be out of context to believe this is a book of history. It is a prophetic book about the future.

What do you believe, history or prophecy?

Blessings, David 

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