Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Genesis 34:25-31 NLT

"They felt justified because the men of Shechem treated their sister as a prostitute ( Genesis 34:31), but they prostituted the sign of God’s covenant for their own murderous purpose." David Guzik 

As I pondered this, the example that came to mind is the television preacher that twists scripture to use people to send them money. But the scripture they use isn't God's covenant, it's a promise of God. So I wonder, which is worse, twisting scripture or perverting a covenant of God? 

Here's a section of the Gospel that gets abused from Mark 10

28 Then Peter began to speak up. “We’ve given up everything to follow you,” he said.

29 “Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, 30 will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. 

Which is worse, lying or murder? Sin is sin no matter the size. There is no sin that is "better" then another sin. You can't just sin a little, it still causes a separation from God. 

Genesis 34:25-31 NLT 

25 But three days later, when their wounds were still sore, two of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, who were Dinah’s full brothers, took their swords and entered the town without opposition. Then they slaughtered every male there, 26 including Hamor and his son Shechem. They killed them with their swords, then took Dinah from Shechem’s house and returned to their camp. 

27 Meanwhile, the rest of Jacob’s sons arrived. Finding the men slaughtered, they plundered the town because their sister had been defiled there.  28 They seized all the flocks and herds and donkeys—everything they could lay their hands on, both inside the town and outside in the fields.  29 They looted all their wealth and plundered their houses. They also took all their little children and wives and led them away as captives. 

30 Afterward Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “You have ruined me! You’ve made me stink among all the people of this land—among all the Canaanites and Perizzites. We are so few that they will join forces and crush us. I will be ruined, and my entire household will be wiped out!” 

31 “But why should we let him treat our sister like a prostitute?” they retorted angrily. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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