Saturday, January 6, 2018

Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave. Genesis 33:12-20 NLT

Is there someone in your family you distrust? You want a relationship with them but don't want to live too close. What if your distrust of them makes you dishonest too? That creates a vicious circle. You all become dysfunctional. 

Jacob followed God's instructions just so far. He still distrusted Esau enough to keep his distance. He still distrusted Esau enough to lie about his intentions. He told Esau he would follow but went the opposite direction. Ultimately, Jacob's distrust was of God. God told Jacob to return to the land of his birth. Jacob's distrust of God's protection will cost his family dearly. 

Genesis 33:12-20  NLT

12 “Well,” Esau said, “let’s be going. I will lead the way.”

13 But Jacob replied, “You can see, my lord, that some of the children are very young, and the flocks and herds have their young, too. If they are driven too hard, even for one day, all the animals could die. 14 Please, my lord, go ahead of your servant. We will follow slowly, at a pace that is comfortable for the livestock and the children. I will meet you at Seir.”

15 “All right,” Esau said, “but at least let me assign some of my men to guide and protect you.”

Jacob responded, “That’s not necessary. It’s enough that you’ve received me warmly, my lord!”

16 So Esau turned around and started back to Seir that same day.17Jacob, on the other hand, traveled on to Succoth. There he built himself a house and made shelters for his livestock. That is why the place was named Succoth (which means “shelters”).

18 Later, having traveled all the way from Paddan-aram, Jacob arrived safely at the town of Shechem, in the land of Canaan. There he set up camp outside the town. 19 Jacob bought the plot of land where he camped from the family of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for 100 pieces of silver.  20 And there he built an altar and named it El-Elohe-Israel.

Blessings, Cecilia

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